Tag Archives: inspiration

There is a Positive in every Negative


There is a positive in every negative….you just have to step back to see it. If you hadn’t noticed I recently dropped off the face of the blogging planet! But I promise I am back!

In the last month I have had two nasty university exams that really stretched me both mentally and physically. I have been running circles around myself financially, as my dog destroyed over $1000 of my clients orders (not insured – there went the entirety of my savings) and I got pulled over by a policeman having a bad day (savings already gone – now onto the credit card). My beautiful business partner for the organic juice bar project had to pull out for family reasons and I have also been struggling through hormonal hell whereby my body thinks it is pregnant and is storing water like a sponge…..way too weird to go into any further. All of the above events have contributed to a massive drop in energy, motivation and blog posts as well as money and sleep. In fact, the only thing heading upwards is my weight (due to hormones and not being able to train due to a third degree burn on my foot).


On a more positive note, I have just returned from a weeks holiday with my best friend in Melbourne! It was downtime that I so badly needed. I had a forced break from everything on the world wide web as we were staying with her brother and had no internet access at home and our days were jam-packed with activity. I also had a break from university and work which was lovely! I felt a little lost but also a little free (may have been the fact that I was also childless for the week). I so often feel as though I am constantly playing roles – mum, wife, homemaker, uni student, support person, business operator, etc and it was actually fantastic to have the freedom to just be Matilda for the week.


Having some time away gave me space to dream and gain some clarity around my goals, both in the short-term and the long-term. My short-term plan may have changed but my long-term goals remain the same – I want to educate people on health, wellness and provide support for those living with allergies. As the Organic Juice Bar is sidelined for the moment, I can now focus my energy into my Arbonne business.


With Arbonne, I have the ability to share my passions through our amazing products and help women improve not just their skin but also their self-confidence and inspire them to start their own businesses and reach their personal goals. I have just launched my own Arbonne Website www.matilda.arbonne.com.au to make it easier for my customers to order, so when you have a chance check it out!


I also realised that I needed to determine how much time I would dedicate to the blog and what I would do with that time. To keep the flow of my blog consistent for all of you, I will blog about 3 times a week with at least 1 post being a delicious recipe for you to try. As I go on over the next few months be sure to let me know how you are finding the quantity and quality of my posts!


This week I am going to try to sort out my health with a trip to the doctors and to a Naturopath for further investigation. I also need to increase my water intake and decrease my salt intake to combat some of the water retention. Then I am going to slowly get back into training without pushing myself too far. I do not function well without exercise, it really is a stress release for me and keeps my mind clear.

I am feeling good about my plan and am looking forward to sharing my stories along the way!

Much Love Matilda x

P.S Whole30 was an epic fail – I will update you on that tomorrow.

The Liebster Award Nomination

A massive thank you must go out to The Baby-Making Chronicles for nominating The Odd Spot for this award!


The Rules (The Baby-Making Chronicles from Rachel’s blog):

1. You must link back the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must nominate 10 of your favorite blogs with less than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination.
4. You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

My Answers to the questions:

1. What made you start a blog?

I started this blog after a year of self discovery and managing a child with severe food allergies. It was important for me to talk about the challenges of eating with imposed restrictions or personal health choices that aren’t mainstream. It can be very isolating and make you feel like the odd one out. One Thursday night I was in emergency with my daughter after an anaphylactic reaction and the next morning I started this blog!

2. How has blogging impacted your life?

It has given me a place to share my passion for health & well-being. To bring together people who feel alone and hopefully provide a supportive spot where they feel free to vent their frustrations, express their ideas and share their knowledge.

3. What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about organic food, chemical free living and the appreciation of individuality!

4. Life-defining moment?

Sitting in emergency with my 2-year-old daughter and deciding it was time to change my direction in life!

5. Marooned on a deserted island, what three things would you want with you?

Besides people I would choose a male & female chicken and a pregnant pig! Bacon & eggs!

6. What’s the most outrageous thing you have ever done?

Getting electrocuted for fun at Tough Mudder!

7. What was the last thing you purchased over $100?

A new pair of runners! But I did lay-by a beautiful dress today, does that count?

8. What’s the last stamp on your passport?

Fiji! Bula!

9. Favorite quote?

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”

10. All-time favorite blog?

Natural New Age Mum

Who I am nominating:

1. Hayley’s Whole30

2. Hide your wheat, hide your rye

3. The Brown Bag

4. MGK Fine Art Acrylics

5. Amy’s Essential Oil Tips

6. Express Chemist 

7. My AIP Journey

8. Chug Your Greens

9. Curio of the Culinary World

10. What to eat when you can’t eat anything

My Questions for Nominees:

1. Who/what is your greatest inspiration in life?

2. If money was no object what would you be doing right now?

3. What is your favourite meal?

4. What is your favourite movie?

5. Do you/your children have any allergies?

6. Do you have any specific dietary requirements?

7. Why do you blog?

8. What is your day job?

9. What is one goal you want to achieve in the next 12 months?

10. Who is your biggest supporter?